Latest page update: 4 December 2024
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Constructed: 1960s
Style: Modern
Location: Via Acquedotto, Ischia Porto
A twenty minute bus ride away from Ischia Porto, the Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate has an early history dating back to the 16th c. However, it was completely rebuilt last century.
The façade, with three entrances, has a central portico with doric columns and pediment and a bell tower to the left. The pristine interior is divided into a vaulted nave and side aisles with a dome over the crossing supported on pendentives.
An 18th c polychrome and wood statue of St Anthony Abate, the titular saint of the church, stands in the apse at the eastern end, the focal point of the church. He was born in Egypt (251 – 356) and lived most of his life as a hermit. He is clothed in his traditional black robe, holding a flame in his right hand and a staff in the other. At his feet, his emblem, a pig.
Style: Modern
Location: Via Acquedotto, Ischia Porto
A twenty minute bus ride away from Ischia Porto, the Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate has an early history dating back to the 16th c. However, it was completely rebuilt last century.
The façade, with three entrances, has a central portico with doric columns and pediment and a bell tower to the left. The pristine interior is divided into a vaulted nave and side aisles with a dome over the crossing supported on pendentives.
An 18th c polychrome and wood statue of St Anthony Abate, the titular saint of the church, stands in the apse at the eastern end, the focal point of the church. He was born in Egypt (251 – 356) and lived most of his life as a hermit. He is clothed in his traditional black robe, holding a flame in his right hand and a staff in the other. At his feet, his emblem, a pig.