Guide to the food that you can find in Ischia, the local delicacies, recipes and also links to our restaurant guide.
RESTAURANTS IN ISCHIARecommended restaurants in Ischia, categorized by location. There's a page for each of our recommended restaurants with a guide to help you decide where to go.
RECIPES OF ISCHIAWe all love Italian cooking and here we give you some of the best local recipes of Ischia including the delicious Limoncello and La Pastiera made in Ischian homes.
ISCHIA COOKERY COURSESSo now you've seen all this wonderful food aren't you feeling a bit hungry? Well if you took some of our cookery courses then you'd be able to rustle up something delicious in no time at all.
AGRITURISMO RESTAURANTSOur guide to Agriturismo restaurants in Ischia gives you some alternative options for eating out. An agriturismo is a great place to eat because they use their own produce.
WINES OF ISCHIAIschia has a rich tradition of wine making dating back to 700BC when the island was called Enaria meaning "Land of Wines". Click on the photo for more information.
CAFE BARS OF ISCHIAGuide to recommended cafe bars in Ischia. With so many bars and cafes to choose from we offer you a selection of the very best on the island with great atmospheres.