La Festa di Santa Restituta is a series of events in commemoration of the Patron Saint of Lacco Ameno, Santa Restituta. The festival begins each year on the 17th May with religious ceremonies in homage to the saint at La Chiesa di Santa Restituta in the main piazza.
The period is marked with special lights being erected throughout the town while market stalls are set-up and sell all kinds of delicious local sweets and treats. The funfair also comes to town, just behind the beach of San Montano as the town celebrates with festivities until the 19th May.
Perhaps the highlights of the festival are the three events that take place on the 17th, 18th & 19th May, including a re-enactment of the Saint's story as she is swept up on the shore of the beach before being banished by the Romans. The spectacular event takes place on the beach on the 16th and is accompanied by fireworks as it reaches its climax.
The period is marked with special lights being erected throughout the town while market stalls are set-up and sell all kinds of delicious local sweets and treats. The funfair also comes to town, just behind the beach of San Montano as the town celebrates with festivities until the 19th May.
Perhaps the highlights of the festival are the three events that take place on the 17th, 18th & 19th May, including a re-enactment of the Saint's story as she is swept up on the shore of the beach before being banished by the Romans. The spectacular event takes place on the beach on the 16th and is accompanied by fireworks as it reaches its climax.