Latest page update: 15 January 2025
By: Dion Protani
There are various islands around Ischia that it's possible to visit if you fancy a day-trip to explore the local area.
Procida is Ischia's near neighbour and just a 15-20 minute hydrofoil journey away. It's a smaller and much quieter island which is famous as one of the filing locations of the Oscar-winning Il Postino which tells the story of a postman on the island. Capri is much better known and there's a steady stream of visitors between there and Ischia throughout the summer, taking advantage of the daily hydrofoil crossings. |
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Further afield: Ventotene is often visible from Ischia but doesn't enjoy the the established travel links that are available to the likes of Procida and Capri for example. Day-trips to Ventotene are available during the summer months but subject to a certain number of passengers being reached. Ventotene is one of the Pontine Islands of which Ponza is the largest and most famous. The day-trips to Ponza are usually offered as a package along with Ventotene which is roughly half way to Ponza from Ischia.
Much closer to Ischia is the island of Vivara which you can clearly see from Ischia Ponte and the surrounding area. It's not usually possible to visit Vivara however as it's an area of protected wildlife.
Much closer to Ischia is the island of Vivara which you can clearly see from Ischia Ponte and the surrounding area. It's not usually possible to visit Vivara however as it's an area of protected wildlife.
VIVARAVivara is a tiny, uninhabited island that lies between Procida and Ischia. A nature reserve, it can only be visited with permission.