Latest update: 18 March 2022
Everything about day to day life on the island including our weekly blog. You can also find latest articles written by the Ischia Review team and if you write to us at [email protected] we can publish your own stories and experiences for others to share.
ISCHIA WEEKLY WEATHER & PHOTO UPDATEFrom September 2016 we switched to the weekly weather and photo update, a summary of the current weather situation, looking at forthcoming events and the general goings-on around the island.
ISCHIA DAILY WEATHER PHOTO & UPDATEWe know you're all keen to hear what the weather in Ischia is like so from Spring to Summer we update you every day and throw in a new photo each day too along with events and traditions of Ischia.
ISCHIA ON SUNDAY: THE WEEKLY ISCHIA BLOGOur weekly blog has given way to the daily weather update but still offers an insight into daily life on the island. There's also a feedback section where you can join in the debate and add your views.
SILVANA'S ISCHIA BLOGSilvana keeps us all up to date with the latest events in Ischia while also offering the historical and cultural background that only a native of the island would know about in detail.
ISCHIA REVIEW ARTICLESOur feature articles are all listed in this section. We write about every aspect of life in Ischia both in the present and the past to aid your enjoyment of the island.
ISCHIA EVENTS CALENDAROur events calendar keeps you up to date with all of the important events throughout the year including the religious holidays and the two big summer film festivals.
ISCHIA BOOK EXCHANGEThe Ischia Book Exchange works a little like a virtual library. We offer a selection of books in return for any book you've finished reading while on your holiday in Ischia.
ISCHIA NATUREOur Ischia Nature section tells you all you need to know about the daily weather, the climate, the flowers and the wildlife on the island as well as "The Ischia Garden" page.
ISCHIA ESSENTIALSFrom finding the nearest pharmacies to letting you know the opening-times of various shops and post-offices, our essential guide gives you the info you need for any situation.
ISCHIA CUISINEItaly is world-famous for its fabulous cuisine and Ischia is prominent among some of the very best food the country has to offer. Our guide explains what treats you can find.
ISCHIA REVIEW NEWS ARCHIVEWe keep you up to date with all of the important news stories concerning the island. Our archive allows you to explore what's been happening while you've been away!
THE ISCHIA BARTER EXCHANGE SYSTEM"La Borsa Verde" (The Green Bag) is a modern-day exchange based on the principles of the old barter systems that existed before the days of money. You can trade food, clothing or anything else!
VINTAGE ISCHIAOur collection of old photos tell their own intriguing tale of how the island has evolved since the very first black and white images of the island were taken, through to modern times.