One of the most charming Christmas traditions in Ischia is the creation of nativity scenes (presepe) and here we explain what they are and where you can find them, along with photos.
Christmas in Ischia is celebrated in lots of ways and one of the greatest traditions is that of the "Presepe" which are a kind of nativity scene. The scenes are hand-crafted and depict not just the birth of the baby Jesus, but carefully depict a whole host of characters and scenery from the era. There are bakers, carpenters, people playing card games and even drunkards sleeping off their hangovers! The intricate detail can be seen as these scenes come to life with animation, sound and special lighting effects creating a kind of mini-theatre. The scenes range in size but some of the larger ones fill whole rooms and can be accompanied by sound effects or even narration in some cases.
From the middle of December you can walk through Ischia Ponte and see houses inviting you in to see their own scenes, proudly displayed by their creators. Entrance is mostly free but there is usually a small basket on hand should you wish to leave a gratuity or small donation.
Ischia's Christmas presepe follow some of the same characteristics as those that can be found all year round in Naples' Via San Gregorio Armeno which are famous the world over.
From the middle of December you can walk through Ischia Ponte and see houses inviting you in to see their own scenes, proudly displayed by their creators. Entrance is mostly free but there is usually a small basket on hand should you wish to leave a gratuity or small donation.
Ischia's Christmas presepe follow some of the same characteristics as those that can be found all year round in Naples' Via San Gregorio Armeno which are famous the world over.