Suggested establishments for lighter meals, desserts and coffee in Casamicciola Terme, Ischia.
Apart from the basic information such as what's on the menu, indoor or outdoor seating, and location, we've given each bar a "friendliness factor" rating. Our friendliness factor rating includes what kind of reception are you given when you walked in (or sat down), how pleasant the general atmosphere was and if there were any extras added to the bill or given with compliments. We would also like to build up a picture of where you can easily get on-line with WiFi access so please let us know, your feedback is vital, thanks!
Apart from the basic information such as what's on the menu, indoor or outdoor seating, and location, we've given each bar a "friendliness factor" rating. Our friendliness factor rating includes what kind of reception are you given when you walked in (or sat down), how pleasant the general atmosphere was and if there were any extras added to the bill or given with compliments. We would also like to build up a picture of where you can easily get on-line with WiFi access so please let us know, your feedback is vital, thanks!
BAR CALISE CASAMICCIOLAWhat's available: Coffee, Desserts, Snacks, Alcohol
Location: Piazza Marina Friendliness factor: ☺☺☺☺☺ |
CAFE FRENNESIAWhat's available: Coffee, Pastries
Location: Piazza Marina Friendliness factor: ☺☺☺☺☺ |
BAR TOPLESSWhat's available: Coffee, Ice-cream, Alcohol
Location: Corner of Corso Luigi Manzi Friendliness factor: ☺☺☺☺☺ |
BAR EPOMEO CASAMICCIOLAWhat's available: Coffee, Pastries
Location: Close to Piazza Bagni Friendliness factor: ☺☺☺☺☺ |
LIDO BLUE BAYWhat's available: Coffee, Desserts, Snacks
Location: Via Salvatore Girardi Friendliness factor: ☺☺☺☺☺ |
LIDO LA BREZZAWhat's available: Coffee, Desserts, Snacks
Location: Via Dottore Tommaso Morgera Friendliness factor: ☺☺☺☺☺ |
BAR IL BOCCONCINOWhat's available: Coffee, Snacks
Location: Piazza Bagni Friendliness factor: ☺☺☺☺☺ |
What's available: Coffee, Snacks
Location: Piazza Marina Friendliness factor: ☺☺☺☺☺ |
What's available: Coffee, Snacks
Location: Piazza Maio Friendliness factor: ☺☺☺☺☺ |