Every day we bring you a fresh instalment of our Ischia blog, Good Morning Ischia! Here you can see the entry for Sunday 9th March 2014.
Good Morning Ischia!
It's a nice, quiet Sunday here in Ischia as we pause for reflection on the last week and start to plan ahead for the next seven days. We've got some light, wispy clouds meaning intermittent spells of sunshine. We're not quite at that stage of the year when the air is warm enough on its own so when the sun does go in it still feels a little bit nippy. Right now there's hardly a breath of wind but over the past few days and even this morning it's been quite gusty but not bad enough to disturb any ferry or hydrofoil crossings between here and Naples. The weather looks set to continue along the same lines for the next week or so with some nice afternoon temperatures followed by some chilly evenings. The maximum for today should be around 17° Celsius (63° Fahrenheit) dropping to 11°C (52°F) tonight.
As mentioned last week, the island isn't quite in the full throes of the tourist season but nearly every hotel, restaurant, garden and thermal park has some kind of work going on, be it repairs, general maintenance or adding new features. We do have a good amount of visitors already though, the vast majority at this time of year always seem to come from the Alpine regions of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, easy to spot with their hiking equipment and walking batons. With so many paths and walking routes to choose from and with the mild weather it's easy to understand the attraction.
For those people in Ischia at the moment, you will have noticed yesterday lots of people selling a distinctive yellow flower in various kinds of bunches and presentation bouquets. The reason for this is that March 8th is International Women's Day and in Italy it's traditional to mark the occasion by buying Mimosas for your female friends and relations. Although it's an internationally recognised event, not every country celebrates it with such enthusiasm but here it's treated with a similar level of respect as Saint Valentine's Day so any neglect to give the flowers to those closest to you could well put a man in trouble, a fate that I just about managed to avoid myself!
Today's photo is once again hosted on our facebook page, this week's offering coming from Fisherman's Beach between Ischia Porto and Ischia Ponte. There's still a bit more work to do on the website upgrade so whilst that's being completed the blog will stay in its weekly Sunday spot before returning on a more regular basis once everything is up and running.
In the meantime, we're always here for anyone who has any questions about Ischia, whether you're planning your travel arrangements, looking for accommodation, cars, scooters, excursions etc, so just just drop us a line at [email protected] or give us a call on (0039) 328 938 9080 if you need any help.
A presto!
Dion Protani
Sunday 9th March 2014 - [email protected]
Today's Saint's day/Name day: Santa Francesca Romana
Today in history: Kissing in public in Naples is banned, punishable by death! (1562)
Born on this day: Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci (1454)
Sun-rise (alba): 06:24hrs - Sun-set (tramonto): 18:03hrs
It's a nice, quiet Sunday here in Ischia as we pause for reflection on the last week and start to plan ahead for the next seven days. We've got some light, wispy clouds meaning intermittent spells of sunshine. We're not quite at that stage of the year when the air is warm enough on its own so when the sun does go in it still feels a little bit nippy. Right now there's hardly a breath of wind but over the past few days and even this morning it's been quite gusty but not bad enough to disturb any ferry or hydrofoil crossings between here and Naples. The weather looks set to continue along the same lines for the next week or so with some nice afternoon temperatures followed by some chilly evenings. The maximum for today should be around 17° Celsius (63° Fahrenheit) dropping to 11°C (52°F) tonight.
As mentioned last week, the island isn't quite in the full throes of the tourist season but nearly every hotel, restaurant, garden and thermal park has some kind of work going on, be it repairs, general maintenance or adding new features. We do have a good amount of visitors already though, the vast majority at this time of year always seem to come from the Alpine regions of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, easy to spot with their hiking equipment and walking batons. With so many paths and walking routes to choose from and with the mild weather it's easy to understand the attraction.
For those people in Ischia at the moment, you will have noticed yesterday lots of people selling a distinctive yellow flower in various kinds of bunches and presentation bouquets. The reason for this is that March 8th is International Women's Day and in Italy it's traditional to mark the occasion by buying Mimosas for your female friends and relations. Although it's an internationally recognised event, not every country celebrates it with such enthusiasm but here it's treated with a similar level of respect as Saint Valentine's Day so any neglect to give the flowers to those closest to you could well put a man in trouble, a fate that I just about managed to avoid myself!
Today's photo is once again hosted on our facebook page, this week's offering coming from Fisherman's Beach between Ischia Porto and Ischia Ponte. There's still a bit more work to do on the website upgrade so whilst that's being completed the blog will stay in its weekly Sunday spot before returning on a more regular basis once everything is up and running.
In the meantime, we're always here for anyone who has any questions about Ischia, whether you're planning your travel arrangements, looking for accommodation, cars, scooters, excursions etc, so just just drop us a line at [email protected] or give us a call on (0039) 328 938 9080 if you need any help.
A presto!
Dion Protani
Sunday 9th March 2014 - [email protected]
Today's Saint's day/Name day: Santa Francesca Romana
Today in history: Kissing in public in Naples is banned, punishable by death! (1562)
Born on this day: Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci (1454)
Sun-rise (alba): 06:24hrs - Sun-set (tramonto): 18:03hrs