Buongiorno a tutti! After the briefest of periods of clement conditions we've once again been handed an unfavourable set of weather cards with some quite miserable stuff seemingly on the way. Last night's cold gave way to a sunny start to the day but the sky and the sea have changed from bright to dim and it looks like a storm is about to land. The temperature right now at 2pm is 10° Celcius (50° Fahrenheit) but it will feel colder than that once the wind gets up and it's expected to reach as high as 35mph by this evening. That will inevitably cause some disruption to the ferries and hydrofoils so do make sure to check on your crossings before leaving Naples. Today's photo is a much brighter and nicer Lido Dei Maronti in Barano. Time to batten down the hatches now! Ciao :-)
ISCHIA DAILY WEATHER, PHOTO & UPDATE:Today's weather in Ischia plus a nice photo and a little news... Archives
September 2016
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